Favorite Songs of the Year 2013

2013년을 정리하며,
기억에 남는 곡들을 올려 봄.
아마... Part 20 가까이 가게 될 듯.ㅎㅎㅎ






'In the World' - Bailterspace





'Miasma Sky' - Baths





'Clash the Truth' - Beach Fossils

'Stocks and Stones' - Ben Frost





'Side of the Road' - Big Black Delta
올해 최고의 뮤비 중 하나.





'40 Days and 40 Nights' - Big Blood





'Swapping Spit' - Big Deal




'Luck Now' - Big Scary




'Indigo Meadow' - the Black Angels





'Chamakay' - Blood Orange





'Eyesite' - Blouse





'Reach for the Dead' - Boards of Canada




'Wandering Star' - Bomb the Bass




'Food for Clouds' - the Brian Jonestown Massacre




'In Your Care' - Bright Light Bright Light




'I Can Make You Love Me' - British India







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