--- 음악야그

170219 _ 2월의 음악들 - 'Flume, Electric Guest, Ela Minus, Blaise Moore, Clap! Clap!, Vestidos, Hanni El Khatib, Gavin Turek, Sam Patch etc...'-

aipharos 2017. 8. 9. 13:30









'Fantastic (Feat. Dave Glass Animals)' - Flume






'Dear To Me' - Electric Guest






'Juan Sant' - Ela Minus






'Friends' - Blaise Moore






'Big Balloon' - Dutch Uncles






'Hope (feat. OY)' - Clap! Clap!






'Cerca' - Vestidos






'Gonna Die Alone' - Hanni El Khatib

이미 선공개된 시점에 올린바 있으나 이번에 음반이 공개되었기에 다시 재링크.






'On the Line' - Gavin Turek






'St. Sebastian' - Sam Patch






'Wrong for You' - Molly Burch






'Strung Out' - Ruby Empress






'Run You Out' - Meat Wave